Grand Challenge 3: Understanding the Impact of Global Change on Marine Ecosystems
Welcome to my first action project for my last STEAM course ever at GCE Lab School, Frontiers. In this unit, we learned about coral reefs, blue carbon, geoengineering, and all things regarding oceanography. For an internal project, we were slipt into groups and in those groups, we were assigned a human impact on the ocean topic. My group's topic was "protect the marine ecosystems". In my research on this topic, I learned about rising sea levels, oil pollution in oceans, and the degradation of marine ecosystems as a result of climate change. I also learned the importance of the health of the ocean as humans rely on the ocean for food, water, and jobs. This group project was a helpful tool as it prepared me for this action project. For this action project, we were assigned to write a scientific paper that focused on one of the grand challenges in Marine Ecosystems Ecology. Hope you enjoy my project! Grand Challenge 3: Understanding the Impact of Global Change on Marine Eco...