Uniting Through Art
Welcome to my last action project for Rhetoric. In this unit, we looked at how people use rhetoric in public art to unite. We only went on one field experience this term: Marquette Park. We went there to look at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Living Memorial and the significance that the memorial has on the Marquette Park community. Throughout this unit, we talked about the events that led up to the American Revolution. While all these events were occurring, propaganda and public art were on the rise. Once the colonists in the colonies started to feel oppressed by the British, they started making art to humiliate the British to send a message. We also took a look at "how Cuban art fed Africa's liberation struggles". All these art pieces had one common goal: to unite. These historical art movements are what inspired this action project. I hope you enjoy it! GR. "Burundi Bleeds". (2019) Artist's Statement I am a 17-year-old Burundian immigrant living in t...