Echo not my location, but my design!
Welcome to my 3rd action project for Biomimicry. Biomimicry is an elective course which focuses on STEAM. There are 3 units in this class: Like A Plant, Like an Animal, and Like A Fungus. We just wrapped up Like A Fungus which was our last unit. In this unit, we learned about how things decompose, the difference between a food chain and a food web, organic vs inorganic matter, and many more. For this unit there were two Field Experiences that my class went on, to The Plant and Sharayu from Healthy Soil Compost came in and talked to us about vermicomposting. for this action project our goal is to re-make a product that is sustainable and that is a closed loop system. below is my design. I had a great time re-creating something sustainable that has now become apart of a lot of people's daily lives. This was a cool project because I got to think about where things go after they are out of use. It was hard to find information on the Echo Dot so it made it a lot harder for m...