Let Them Eat Cake
Welcome to my first action project for Ollywood. Ollywood is an elective course with 3 units, Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production. We just wrapped up the first unit, Pre-Production. In this unit, we learned about jobs that need to happen before shooting a film. Screenplay, storyboards, location scouting, and production design are all jobs that take place in Pre-production. We did a little activity where we were split up into assigned groups based on the genre of film we were given. With the genre of film we were assigned to, we had to find a location that would be appropriate to our genre and hypothetical film there. The genre I had was, action film: chase scene. I did a little research on where popular action films have filmed chase scene in Chicago and I came across Lower Wacker Drive. Films like Wanted, The Dark Night, The Blues Brothers, and many more has filmed at Lower Wacker Drive. I chose Lower Wacker Dr. as my appropriate location to film an action chase scene. Luc...